Happy Wheels Wiki

Stamsarg Stamsarg 19 June 2015

Happy Wheels vs Happy Wheels 2- My opinion on it

Let's start with the conclusion: HW 2 is gonna be greater than HW 1. The cost of paying to make a level will discourage noob levels, and noobs could play HW WITHOUT RUINING IT! Of course, the level editor will be kinda poor within the 1.00 version of HW 2, therefore, Jim will have to spend much time making updates. Along with the work for Happy Wheels iOS (screw Android) HW1 updates will hardly ever appear. But, is there a prob with that? There are so many tools from which we couldn't benefit earlier. We needn't have more. However, HW 2 will. 

As far as programming is concerned, C++ is WAY BETTER than Flash, of which HW 1 is made.

Say your opinion within the comments below or die in hell, assholes.

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Stamsarg Stamsarg 16 June 2015

How to make a controllable arrow gun tutorial

As always, here's a video.

First off, surround the Segway Guy or any other character with shapes. (Image 01).

Then, just make a tiny, non-fixed shapes behind him. Group it and set as vehicle. It has to have these settings. (Image 02) (Don't worry, you won't transport the segway guy anywhere.)

Now, the arrow guns must be attached to the vehicle. You can find it in the hazards (special items) and change its parameters to these. (Image 03)

The next step is to place two pin joints beyond the place where the vehicle and the arrow gun collide. Move one joint beyond the arrow gun and let the other one there. (Image 04)

That was it!

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Stamsarg Stamsarg 15 June 2015

How to make an EXTEMELY fast motor pin joint

This is a glitch. It isn't hard to make. Video here .

First off, make a non-fixed shape, polygon, whatever.

Then, place a motor pin joint beyond it. Select it and change the torque to "99999". Then, disable motor and adjust the speed to whatever. Re-enable motor and the speed should appear as "NaN".

That's it! Now even melons are deadly...

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Stamsarg Stamsarg 15 June 2015

Naked girl glitch- stop or not?

I was the first one who made a level against the naked girl glitches (well, not the first one, but that level became really popular) and TONS of people just copied the exact same words as my level and basically republished it. The majority of the naked girl glitches has stopped this bullshit. However, we still have the douchebags who STILL publish "stop" levels. This is actually more annoying than the actual naked girl glitches.

Actually the naked girl glitches oughtn't to have stopped. People may become smarter if this continues. Therefore, why not?

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Stamsarg Stamsarg 13 June 2015

What is a sword throw and how to make one (victory enabled) tutorial

You can see my video tutorial right here .

Whether you have a shitty Flash, no panic, you have this tutorial.

If you're lazy, this is the best way. The player wins when they kill one particular NPC.

At first, you should make this (Image 01), with the Segway Guy being able to grab the blades given.

Then place a trigger just by the NPC whom you must kill with the parameters: (Image 02)

Don't forget to target the NPC!

Done! Now you win when this motherfucker falls.

If you want the player to kill everyone and win, it's not so simple as the previous way.

Make this somewhere no one can go. (Image 03)

Be careful! The circle shape mustn't be either fixed or sleeping!

The number of the horizontal rectangles depends on how many NPCs are placed. 2 NPCs= 3 rec…

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